Publication Process for Law Journals:

  • Submission:

Authors submit their manuscripts electronically through our online submission portal. Submissions must adhere to our guidelines, including formatting and citation styles.

  • Initial Screening:

The editorial team conducts an initial screening to assess alignment with the journal’s focus, originality, and adherence to guidelines. Submissions meeting these criteria proceed to peer review.

  • Peer Review:

Manuscripts undergo a double-blind peer review process, involving experts in the field. Reviewers evaluate the work’s scholarly merit, methodology, and contribution to legal discourse. Feedback is provided to authors for revisions.

  • Revision and Resubmission:

Authors revise their manuscripts based on reviewer feedback. The revised version, along with a response to the reviews, is resubmitted for further evaluation.

  • Editorial Decision:

The editorial board, considering reviewer comments and revisions, makes a final decision on acceptance, rejection, or further revision. Transparency and constructive feedback guide decisions.

  • Publication fee:

Finalized manuscript author is then notified to pay the processing fee.

  • Publication:

The finalized issue is published online. Articles receive Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for citation and permanence.

  • Indexing and Archiving:

Published content is indexed in relevant databases, enhancing discoverability. Archives are maintained for long-term accessibility and reference.

  • Promotion and Dissemination:

The journal promotes published articles through various channels, ensuring widespread dissemination and impact within the legal community.


This transparent and rigorous publication process aligns with our commitment to scholarly excellence and contributes to the advancement of legal knowledge.